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发布日期:2014-10-12    作者:.     来源: 野生动物资源学院     点击:



Speaker: Vladimir Andronov

Deputy Director, Department Administration of Federal Supervisory Natural Resources for the Far East Federal Okrug

A series of seminars ------ Introduction of international conservation experience:

Protected Territories and Natural Resource Management System

The especially protected natural territories (EPNT) are a tradition and highly effective form of protection biodiversity and unique landscapes in Russia with more then 100 years history. The first especially protected territory was organized in 1916 on Baikal Lake as a zapovednik and it was named the government natural zapovednik Barghuzinskiy. Development and management of the especially protected territories are regulated by federal laws and other legislative acts and documents of Russian Government and the same juridical acts on the level of the Subject Russian Federation Governments. At the time more then 15000 especially protected natural territories different levels have been organized in Russia. The all territories occupied 203 millions ha or it is 11.3% Russia’s square. These protected areas were managed under different levels of government agencies, such as, Ministry Natural Resources and Ecology of Russian Federation at national level.

主讲人:弗拉基米尔.安 德洛夫 俄罗斯远东地区联邦政府自然资源管理局副局长

你对我们的邻国俄罗斯了解有多少?在与我们一江之隔的黑龙江对 岸,有辽阔的土地、丰富的资源。那里的野生动植物与我们这里的野生动植物一脉相承。当我们试图保护、管理我们的资源的同时,了解俄罗斯的资源管理系统和借 鉴邻国的有效经验是非常必要的。安德洛夫先生不仅是一个区域的野生动植物资源管理的官员,他还是有多年野外研究工作经验的生态学家。

时间:2010年12月16日 下午 3:30—4:30

地点:野生动物资源学院楼 333会议室


上一条:野生动物资源学院举行博士后开题报告会 2011.4 下一条:博士后出站结题报告会
